Siblings Were Mocked by Stepmother Their Entire Childhood Eldest Invites Her to Her Wedding Year

A woman and her siblings grew up being mistreated by their stepmother. Years later, she devised a revenge plan during her wedding, hoping it would make her stepmother feel bad.

After undergoing psychological abuse for years from her stepmother, a woman opened up on Reddit's "pettyrevenge" forum. She shared her story under the username "havalinaaa," telling other online users what she did to take revenge on her stepmother.

Being the eldest child, the then-young girl protected her siblings from her stepmother's mistreatment as much as possible. She described a few stressful instances from her childhood before jumping to the main story.

A woman scolding a girl | Source: Shutterstock

"She basically hated children and their way of life and married a man with three," the woman said about her stepmother. She recalled that the woman used to bad-mouth the children's birth mother in front of the Redditor's five-year-old brother, which caused him to develop anxiety as a kid.

Besides that, the stepmother often flooded their home phone's voicemail with hateful messages directed at their mother. The kids would hear those messages and feel awful.

The Redditor also recalled feeling terrible upon receiving a kids' makeup kit on her 16th birthday from her stepmother. Moreover, she recounted when her stepmother apologized to her for the mistreatment while drunk. The woman said there were countless instances from her childhood where her stepmother made her feel horrible.

How Did the Woman Plan to Take Revenge on Her Stepmother?

It wasn't easy for the Redditor to forget everything that her stepmother did in the past. Although she had grown up and it was time for her wedding, the woman still remembered how her stepmother mistreated her and her siblings.

An angry woman scolding a little girl | Source: Shutterstock

The Redditor revealed that she had planned to rent cabins for the guests to stay over during her wedding events. However, when her stepmother learned about them, she couldn't stop objecting to the plan, saying the cabins did not have good features.

In hopes of keeping her stepmother out of her rehearsal dinner for as long as possible, the woman gave her father and stepmother the wrong directions to the venue. She made it seem like her father had missed a turn on the way.

Road signs labelled "Forgiveness" and "Revenge" | Source: Shutterstock

"This had them arriving about 15 minutes later than expected for our rehearsal dinner, missing the vast majority of it," the woman recalled. She had hoped their late arrival would keep them from creating a scene at the event, but she was wrong.

During the rehearsal dinner, the stepmother kept complaining about getting the wrong directions and the food at the event. She also loudly asked why the bride's mother was walking her down the aisle instead of her father, trying to create a scene.

A bride and her groom celebrating with the guests at their wedding | Source: Shutterstock

After looking at her stepmother's behavior at the rehearsal dinner, the bride was sure she wanted to take revenge on her for all the horrible things she had done in the past. She was sure her plan would annoy her stepmother.

What Was the Revenge Plan?

Once the rehearsal dinner ended, it was time for the bride and groom to assign cabins to the guests. Instead of giving her stepmother and father one of the best ones, the Redditor assigned them the accessible cabin designed for people with disabilities.

A bride attending to a phone call | Source: Shutterstock

Besides having a low-height bed, the cabin did not have a fully functional shower and did not open up to a lake view like the others. It was also the furthest from the other cabins, which meant it would cause inconvenience to the bride's stepmother.

The following morning, the Redditor's friends delivered coffee and pastries to the guests, but she told them to start from the first cabin and go in order. As a result, when they reached her stepmother's cabin, the coffee had turned cold, and there were no more pastries left.

The bride was happy to see how inconvenient her stepmother's stay at the cabin had become. She thought she had taken revenge for the nightmare her stepmother made her go through as a child.

A happy bride jumping on a bed | Source: Shutterstock

Besides making her stay at the horrible cabin, the Redditor did something else to disrespect her stepmother. She and her husband had gotten special necklaces made for their mothers and one for her stepmother after much thought.

However, when it was time to give the necklace to her stepmother, the Redditor changed her mind and gave it to her husband's grandmother instead. Although her stepmother was unaware of it, the Redditor felt at peace knowing what she had done.

"We also set up their cabin so that someone else would be staying in it the second night," the Redditor revealed, sharing that she did not want her stepmother and father to stay another night.

After reading the woman's detailed post, other Redditors praised her for taking revenge on her stepmother. One of them said, "She really is an evil stepmother. OP, I am so sorry you had to go through that. You are a kind-hearted person to think of your younger siblings."

A user's comment on havalinaaa's Reddit post | Source:

Meanwhile, another Redditor said, "Congrats on getting married!!! And having a spouse that supports your pettiness. Salute!" Another user in a similar situation said they would never invite their stepparent to their wedding.

A user's comment on the Redditor's post and her reply | Source:

A user's comment on the Redditor's post and her reply | Source:

Here is another story about a woman who wore white to her son's wedding because she hated his bride. Little did she know that her son would publicly humiliate her the next day.
