Woody Allen Cheated on Mia Farrow with Her Adopted Daughter inside the Family Drama

Drama has been surrounding the life of film director and writer Woody Allen, best known for “Annie Hall” and “Midnight in Paris,” for years. His romance with Soon-Yi Previn is unique.

Everything started in 1979 when Woody Allen and actress Mia Farrow met and began dating. At the time, Mia had just ended her nine-year marriage with composer André Previn.

Before dating Woody, Mia had three biological kids – Matthew, Sascha, Fletcher – and three adopted children – Lark Song and Summer Song from Vietnam, and Soon-Yi from South Korea.

Mia Farrow and Woody Allen in Paris, France on July 24, 1989 | Photo: Getty Images


While Mia already had a big family, she had three more kids with Woody: two adopted – Moses, from South Korea, and Dylan, from Texas, and one biological – Ronan.

In late 1991, things got complicated as Woody Allen and his step-daughter, Soon-Yi Previn, began an affair. At the time, Mia Farrow’s adopted daughter was about 20 years old, and Woody was in his mid-50s.

Then, in January 1992, Mia found nude pictures that Woody took of Soon-Yi in his home, which clearly devastated her. The film director, on the other hand, didn’t see anything wrong with it.

In 2001, he revealed in an interview that the “heart wants what it wants” and that there was nothing logical about love as you just meet someone and “fall in love.”

Dylan Farrow accused Woody Allen of sexual assault.

Woody Allen and Mia Farrow on April 14, 1986 at the Waldorf Hotel in New York City | Photo: Getty Images


The “Manhattan” director pointed out that he had no moral issues with his relationship with Soon-Yi Previn because he never really saw her as his daughter, only Mia’s. Soon-Yi agreed:

“[My siblings and I] didn’t think of him as a father. He didn’t even have clothing at our house, not even a toothbrush.”

Woody Allen and his wife Soon-Yi on December 2, 1999 in Los Angeles, California | Photo: Getty Images

Another aspect of Woody and Soon-Yi’s relationship that was heavily criticized was the 35-year difference between the two. However, the director believed that it was hypocritical.

He argued that when Mia began her relationship with Frank Sinatra, she was 19 years old and Sinatra was 48. Apart from that, Mia and André Previn started dating when he was still married.

Woody Allen on July 09, 2019 in San Sebastián, Spain | Photo: Getty Images


In August 1992, only months after Mia Farrow found Soon-Yi’s nude photos, Dylan Farrow accused Woody Allen of sexual assault. At the time, she was only seven years old.

According to Dylan, the incident took place in the attic of Mia’s Connecticut home. Woody, however, has always denied the allegations. Still, the case was investigated by the Connecticut State Police.

[Woody] admitted that, “on the surface,” their relationship looked like an irrational match.

Woody Allen on August 27 , 2003 in Venice, Italy | Photo: Getty Images

Due to the nature of the case, the Child Sexual Abuse Clinic of Yale-New Haven Hospital got involved and evaluated Dylan to determine if her testimony was reliable.

Seven months later, it was concluded that Dylan was an unreliable witness and that Woody never abused her. Dylan still maintains that he did molest her.


Although Soon-Yi and Woody’s romance was frowned upon due to their father-daughter dynamic, they ended up walking down the aisle in 1997. At the moment, they share two adopted children, Bechet and Manzie.

For years, Soon-Yi stayed silent about the whole drama. However, she eventually spoke up and claimed that Mia insulted and beat her and preferred her White children.

Woody Allen and his family, daughter Manzie, wife Soon-Yi and daughter Bechet on December 31, 2003 in New York City | Photo: Getty Images

According to Woody Allen’s spouse, she and Lark began doing the whole family's groceries as early as third grade. They would also clean the bathrooms, wash the dishes and sweep the house. Soon-Yi added:

“[Mia] tried to teach me the alphabet with those wooden blocks. If I didn’t get them right, sometimes she’d throw them at me or down on the floor.”

After Soon-Yi made those claims, most of her siblings defended Mia’s parenting and even pointed out that she did an “extraordinary job” raising them. They added that the negative things said about Mia were not credible.

Woody Allen and Soon-Yi Previn on May 11, 2016 in Cannes | Photo: Getty Images


In May 2020, Woody shared some details about his two-decade marriage with Soon-Yi and admitted that “on the surface,” their relationship looked like an irrational match.

The director pointed out that people might have seen it as an exploitative situation in which he would exploit her as an older predatory male, and she would do the same “for whatever I had.”

Soon-Yi Previn and Woody Allen on February 27, 2018 in New York City | Photo: Getty Images

However, that was never the case, Woody said. He admitted that he had dated plenty of women in the past, but things with Soon-Yi simply worked. Ever since being together, he “calmed down.”

Woody Allen revealed that he got rid of many of his more neurotic traits thanks to Soon-Yi. Woody will definitely go down in history as one of the most controversial film directors in Hollywood.
