Usain Bolt Workout Routine Diet Plan

Usain Bolt needs no introduction. He is acknowledged as the “fastest man alive” as he holds both 100m and 200m sprint race records. His speed is actually measured at 44.72 km/h. He is also an Olympic champion of 3 events and has been labeled as “Lightening Bolt” due to his speed. He also has 6 Olympic Gold Medals under his belt and is ready to acquire more. If this man has inspired you to focus on your own exercise, diet and workout routine then you are not the only one. In order to keep his fans happy, we have mentioned some of the best health, workout and diet habits of this young sports celebrity in a precise manner. Do have a look and give us your feedback.

Stretching Exercises: Through there are a lot of exercises preferred by Bolt, but he focuses on starting off the workout in the perfect manner. He seems to be very fond of stretching exercises as it helps him to loosen up his body before the actual workout begins.

If you have not tried any stretching exercises before then you should know that there are several type of exercises that aim to stretch different parts of your body. Neck, shoulder, hamstring and calf muscles are few of the areas you can stretch before the actual workout begins as it would help you to be prepared for a strenuous session in a proper manner.

Usain Bolt Workout

Core Exercises: Though there are a lot of exercises preferred by Bolt, but here we have listed the simplest and most fruitful ones. These exercises can be done by everyone and without much assistance too.

  • Leg Raises: It’s one of the first exercises preferred by the Jamaican sports star. In this exercise, you need to lay down on your back on the floor and stretch out the legs at a straight angle. Keep your arms below your butt in order to give support to the back (or you can even keep the hands besides the butt, or alternatively you can grip a wall for balance). Then, raise the legs toward the roof until your legs are at right angles to your body. The next step is to bring your legs back in the earlier position. Just remember to keep your back pressed to the ground throughout the exercise. You can do it 5 times in the beginning and raise the number as and when you get comfortable with it.
  • Side Plank Clams: It’s another exercise liked by this amazing Olympic champion. So, in case of “Side Plank Clams,” you can start by lying on your right side by keeping your feet near your back and the knees straight. Then, you need to push your upper half above from the ground by putting most of your weight on your right arm. The next step is to put your left hand on left hip and open and close your legs slowly. It is advisable to repeat this exercise 5-10 times and then change the side so you lie on your left side.
  • Reverse Crunch: Here, you can begin the process by lying on the floor on your back. Then you should make sure that your knees are bent at 90 degrees and your feet are about 6 inches above the floor. Then you should slowly uplift your knees in such a manner that they end up being in touch with your chest. After your knees touches your chest, you can resume to the earlier position. Remember to keep your hands in touch with the ground at all times. Repeating this exercise 5-10 times would be enough for a beginner.

Apart from the above mentioned exercises, the sprinter also spends a lot of time in the gym as machines and equipments help him to maintain and enhance his body’s strength and stamina. Here’s a picture of him working out at the gym which he recently shared via Instagram.

Usain Bolt Diet Tips

  • Chicken: Bolt likes to eat chicken on a regular basis. He has a special fondness for chicken nuggets and they tempt him too much. If you consume chicken regularly, you would get the benefit of keeping your body’s protein quotient high.
  • Rice: Rice is another favorite of this internationally renowned sports star. It is a source of instant energy that helps you to stay more active. It also keeps a check on blood sugar. You can also keep your weight in check while eating rice as it has low-fat levels.
  • Vegetables: Fresh vegetables are also an important part of this 28-year-old star’s diet. Vegetables would never do you any harm. Rather they would keep your body supplied with necessary vitamins and minerals. If you are not sure about eating raw vegetables, just make a salad and start munching. Frying vegetables is a big no-no.
  • Pork: Pork or pig’s meat is another good source of protein. Apart from offering your body with healthy fat and protein, pork is also beneficial in controlling heart diseases and cancer as it has an element known as conjugated linoleic acid.
  • Fruits: Bolt loves fruits like bananas as they are another source of instant energy. They would keep you away from diseases such as blood pressure, asthma, cancer and heart diseases too. They also contain a negligent amount of fat and zero cholesterol which would help you to remain happy and healthy.

Some Additional Tips

Apart from the workout and diet tips offered by Bolt, here is a list of tips that can help you to improve the overall quality of your life.

  • Be optimistic: Your first step should be to be optimistic about yourself. Just believe in your capabilities and never give up.
  • Take no pressure: This legendary athlete also suggests us to keep away from taking any form of tension and pressure. After all, it doesn’t help us a lot. Does it?
  • Train hard: Another cool tip offered by Bolt is to train hard. You need to keep your body fit at all times so that you can achieve your goals.
  • Step up the levels: Bolt’s next suggestion is to step up the level of goals you have set for yourself. When you achieve one, just set up the next milestone and start chasing it.

All these tips can be applied to your daily life with ease. Just pull up your sleeves and get started with the tips offered by Usain Bolt.
