What is mean by Anil made money by fits and starts?

Answer: The idiom “fits and starts” mean anything that works on and off, anything that functions irregularly. so, the use of this idiom in the sentence, it means that anil made money on and off, meaning irregularly. his source of income is fluctuating, not permanent.

In this manner, What is the idiom of skate on thin ice?

If you say that someone is on thin ice or is skating on thin ice, you mean that they are doing something risky that may have serious or unpleasant consequences.

Keeping this in view, What was Anil’s age?

Anil was 25 years old and Hari Singh was 15 years old boy.

Furthermore, Why does Hari return the money?

Hari singh decided to return the money because he had missed the train and was stuck in the rain. he knew nobody other than Anil. Anil was also going to teach him how to write whole sentences.so, Hari singh returned to Anil..

How did Anil make money?

Anil used to write for magazines and also sells his books to publishers. He would make money by fits and starts. One week he would be borrowing and the next week lending. This was the queer way of making money for his living.

Secondly, What happens if you walk on thin ice?

(skating / treading / walking) on thin ice: 1.

If you walk, tread or skate on thin ice there is a good chance that you might fall through the ice and into the freezing cold water. It’s a dangerous and risky position to be in and it is uncertain exactly when you might fall and what the result might be.

What does the idiom all wet mean?

Completely wrong, mistaken, as in If you think you can beat the system and win at roulette, you’re all wet. The original allusion in this expression is unclear, that is, how moisture or dampness is related to wrongness. [ Slang; first half of 1900s]

What does go to bat for you mean?

Take the side of, support, defend. For example, Dad will always go to bat for his kids. This term originated in baseball, where it means simply substituting for another batter, but it is the idea of helping one’s team in this way that has been transferred to more general use. [ Slang; early 1900s]

Who does I refer to in the story?

Answer : ‘I’, in this story, refers to James Herriot, the narrator of the story.

Which animal can we meet in our yard?

Which animal can we meet in our yard? Ans. We can meet the bear in our yard.

What was Anil’s profession?

Answer: Anil was a writer. He used to write articles for magazines. He was a spendthrift and used to spend money on his friends.

Who was the most trusting person narrator ever met?

In “The Thief’s story”, the author narrates the story of Hari Singh, the thief and Anil. Hari steals money from Anil by making him to be trusted. But, he couldn’t run away with that money because the trust of Anil on Hari made Hari to come back and keep the money in the same place.

Why did Hari Singh decide to return the stolen money what light does it grow on his character?

Answer: Hari Singh felt that he don’t wanted to make Anil’s faith on Hari a false one, so he decided to return the stolen money .

Did Anil do for a living?

Answer: Anil made a living by writing for magazines. He would make money by fits and starts, one week he would be borrowing and the next week lending. He kept worrying about his next cheque but celebrated as soon as it arrived.

What Anil do for a living?

How did Anil earn his living? Anil wrote for magazines to earn his living.

What profit did Anil make in a day?

He was happy to carry on the chores for him and was grateful for the education he was receiving. He used to make profit of about a rupee a day as well, which was a decent amount besides being fed. Question 7: Why was it difficult for Hari to rob Anil?

Should you crawl on thin ice?

If you feel the ice failing- Lie down on the ice and roll onto safer ice. If rolling isn’t possible, crawl on all fours to safer ice. … As the victim is pulled, they should claw their way onto the ice and kick their feet with all their strength. Once out of the water, they should roll away from the ice.

Is it better to crawl on ice?

The higher pressure exerted by walking or skating on the surface of the frozen pond can cause cracks or even break the thin surface of the ice. Hence, it is advisable to roll or belly crawl on a thin frozen pond.

Is on thin ice a metaphor?

In a precarious or risky position, as in After failing the midterm, he was on thin ice with his math teacher. This metaphor is often rounded out as skate on thin ice, as in He knew he was skating on thin ice when he took his rent money with him to the racetrack.

What does stealing someone’s thunder mean?

: to prevent someone from having success or getting attention, praise, etc., by doing or saying whatever that person was planning to do or say I didn’t mean to steal your thunder, but I just had to tell your mom about your promotion.

What is a wet idea?

a very creative person; someone who is always able to come up with fresh ideas. wet behind the ears exp. expression used to label someone as young and unexperienced.

What does the idiom chasing rainbows mean?

to waste your time trying to get something that you can never have. Kemp could see why there had been that open verdict, and why the police were having difficulty finding proof; they might as well be chasing rainbows. Easy Learning Idioms Dictionary.

What is the meaning of the idiom cutting corners?

Do something in the easiest or least expensive way; also, act illegally. For example, Cutting corners in production led to a definite loss in product quality, or If the accountant cuts corners the auditors are sure to find out.

Are you pulling rank?

If you say that someone in authority pulls rank, you mean that they unfairly force other people to do what they want because of their higher rank or position.

What does the idiom dropped the ball mean?

See synonyms for drop the ball on Thesaurus.com. Make an error; miss an opportunity. For example, She really dropped the ball when she forgot to call back, or He dropped the ball, turning down their offer. This expression comes from sports where a player who fails to catch a ball is charged with an error.

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